
Wanderers Stadium
DP World Wanderers Stadium, Corlett Drive, Illovo, Sandton
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Aug 05 2023


4:00 am

Impact Run 2023

Impact Run is a dedicated calendar day that pays tribute to those who have chosen movement, future fit choices and contribution to society by using this unique and rare opportunity of running the “richest square mile in Africa” to create impact.

Entry Process
Team Captain creates team online through entry link and processes & pays for the captain’s entry.
The Team Captain must book & pay for the PostNet counter-to-counter service for the whole team at this stage, if required. One Team Pack will be delivered to the selected store.
The captain will receive a Team Voucher which then allows the team mates to enter and link themselves to that team.
Each member must then enter and pay for their own entry and selected merchandise.
Once a Team is created it is the Captain’s responsibility to ensure his team entry is filled up and paid for in full before the closing date.
Only full teams will be eligible for the Team Prize.
No entries or part entries are refundable.

– 10km Corporate Executives Challenge
– 21km
– 10km
– 5km

Entry Fees: (Teams of 4):
– 21km : R1100 (deposit of R275 secures spot)
– 10km : R 900 (deposit of R225 secures spot)
– 5km : R 700 (deposit of R175 secures spot)
– 10km : Corp Exec Challenge: R12 800 (includes T-Shirt)

The event shirt will be available for sale online until the 30 June 2023.

Start Times:
– 21km: 06h00
– Corporate Executives Challenge: 06h45
– 10km: 07h15
– 5km: 08h00

Prize Giving & Entertainment: 10h00 – 14h00

Race Pack Collection:
– Venue: Imperial Wanderers Stadium, Corlett Drive, Illovo, Sandton
– Dates:
o Thursday, 3rd August
o Saturday, 4th August
– Times: 10h00 – 19h00


Individual Prizes:
– Total prizes worth R98 000

– 21km (Men & Women):
o 1st: R15 000
o 2nd: R7 500
o 3rd: R3 750

– 10km (Men & Women):
o 1st: R10 000
o 2nd: R5 000
o 3rd: R2 500

– 5km (Men & Women):
o 1st: R5 000
o 2nd: R1 500
o 3rd: R750

Corporate Executives Challenge: R10 000 to charity of choice

Team Prize Raffle:
– Total prizes worth R160 000
– 1 Team of 4 will win international race trip to Ibiza 12km, 22km or 42km
– Each prize valued at R40 000

International Race Terms and Conditions:

1. By entering the competition, all participants and winners agree to be bound by these competition rules and consent that their personal information be used by the organizer and shared with the organizer’s service providers for purposes of the competition and related identification.

2. The competition runs from Wednesday, 15th February 2023 to Friday, 30th June 2023.

3. The draw will be conducted, and winners announced on Saturday, 5th August 2023.

4. The organizer reserves the right to choose winners based on the stipulated entry criteria, i.e., entering for the Impact Run and paying a deposit for a team spot before midnight, 30th April 2023.

5. 5. One team (four participants) will be selected as winners at the prize giving ceremony to be held at the Imperial Wanderers Stadium on 5th August 2023. The winners will be selected from a pool of team entries who have met the criteria (entry deposit before midnight 30th April 2023). They will get race entry into the Ibiza 12km, 22km or 42km. The price will include return flight tickets for a 5/6-night package and a per diem. Travelling dates will be confirmed after race day.

6. Employees, directors and their immediate families, employees who are directly involved in organising this competition and their immediate families, agents, contractors, any of its associates, merchandisers, advertising, promotional and PR agencies, associates or business partners are not permitted to participate in this competition

7. The right of admission into this competition lies solely with the organizer and is non-negotiable.

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