Home Events - Peak Timing Trap de Val 100 Miler 2023


Cycle Hub in the newly opened Lifestyle Centre

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May 27 2023


6:15 am



Trap de Val 100 Miler 2023

Over and above having a great ride, proving to yourself that you can do a hundred miler (again for some, a first for many), meeting up with old and new friends, finding new places, and the like, the main purpose is to raise funds for the Teddy Bear Foundation (previously known as the Teddy bear Clinic) who continue to support and heal children and their families who have been abused…

A great route for a great cause to a great venue.

Route: 100 mile /162 km green route 85% on gravel roads.
Chicken run option 150km
Elevation 1270m
4 water points and a halfway food point included
Post recovery meal

Our Story
During the inaugural ride by 3 friends in 2020, it was decided that this should become an annual event. The Teddy Bear Foundation was chosen as the charity of choice. We thus turned our passion for cycling into a benefit for the needy children and their families burdened by the social scourge of abuse.

Six months later the first full ride with more than 70 riders took place.

Teddy Bear Foundation – https://teddybearfoundation.org.za

The Teddy Bear Clinic for Abused Children (TTBC) originated in 1986 in response to an urgent need for medical examinations for sexually abused children. From there, it has grown into a fully-fledged child abuse NGO for abused children in South Africa.

Since the inception of the Child Abuse Clinic in 1986, there has been an increase in the number of referrals made to the Teddy Bear Foundation for Abused Children. This precipitated the development of additional programmes to address more than the medical needs of the children. The Teddy Bear Foundation for Abused Children expanded its services to prevent secondary victimisation of children and their families.

The Teddy Bear Foundation is now a registered child abuse organization that provides a holistic and integrated approach to children and their families.

RIDE DATE : 27 May 2023 @ 6.15 am

Enter before 21 May and get a complimentary goodie bag including a custom Trap de Val/Teddy Bear Foundation water bottle and a handmade edible Teddy Bear medal at the finish.


Start: Cycle Hub in the newly opened Lifestyle Centre, the home of Thaba Trails.
Finish: Val Hotel, Val, Mpumalanga
Limited accommodation is available at the Val Hotel. Booking is essential – https://www.valhotel.co.za


25-26 May 07:30-17:00
Cycle Hub in the newly opened Lifestyle Centre, the home of Thaba Trails

27 May 2023 05:30-06:00
Cycle Hub in the newly opened Lifestyle Centre, the home of Thaba Trails


– After the post ride recovery lunch you can look forward to an auction of various unique items including art from local artists specially commissioned for Trap de Val.
– e-Bikes are welcome on the ride. Please remember to manage your power usage/output or arrange to have a spare battery at the halfway mark.

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